Our 2025-2026 Bank of America Broadway on Hennepin season is here—subscriptions on sale now!DETAILS

Institutional giving

Corporate sponsorship

Each year, more than 600,000 people attend performances at our theaters to see the best international, national and local entertainment on our historics stages. Highlight your business and delight your clients with unique experiences. Engage with diverse audiences and strengthen your image and visibility in the community through a Hennepin Arts sponsorship. Sponsorship signal your alignment with our commitment to drive cultural economic vitality in Minnesota.

  • Prominent branding via multi-channel marketing

  • Premium tickets

  • VIP client engagement opportunities

  • Unique events with talent

  • Hospitality opportunities in our venues

CURRENT SPONSORSBecome a corporate member

Contact us

We welcome the opportunity to learn about your business objectives and create a customized sponsorship package for you. Please contact:

Ann Miller Senior Vice President of Corporate Partnerships Ann.Miller@hennepinarts.org


Individual Giving

Become a donor

Lion King Banners

Planned Giving

Join the Encore Society

Tax information

Organization nameTax informationMailing addressQuestions?

Hennepin Arts

Employer ID Number (EIN) 41-2017278

800 LaSalle Ave., Suite 1030 Minneapolis, MN 55402