The iconic German band emerged from Dusseldorf in 1970, founded by Ralf Hutter and Florian Schneider. Renowned as electronic music pioneers, they were instrumental in the genre's global popularization.
Orpheum Theatre
Sunday, March 30 at 8 PM
Ways to Purchase
Box Office
State Theatre Box Office 805 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN 55402
Mon–Fri, noon–5 p.m. Central
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About Kraftwerk: Multimedia Tour 2025 - 50 Years of Autobahn
The iconic German band emerged from Dusseldorf in 1970, founded by Ralf Hutter and Florian Schneider. Renowned as electronic music pioneers, they were instrumental in the genre's global popularization.
Their innovative "robot pop" style melded electronic sounds with catchy melodies and minimalist rhythms, wrapped in a distinctive, stylized image. For new initiates, what is the appeal of a Kraftwerk concert? Well, for one thing, the alternately peppy and psychedelic music is crystal clear as it bounces around the auditorium to create an uplifting atmosphere.
Ticket limit: 8
Purchases are limited to 8 tickets for this show.
Presented By
AEG Presents
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