Michael J. Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett (best known for the groundbreaking comedy series “Mystery Science Theater 3000”) return to the State Theatre to crack jokes over the most 90s movie ever made: Point Break! Undoubtedly the pinnacle of the “FBI infiltrates bank robber gang via surfing” genre, the laughs will be as extreme as the action!"
State Theatre
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State Theatre Box Office 805 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN 55402
Mon–Fri, noon–5 p.m. Central
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About RiffTrax Live: Point Break
Michael J. Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett (best known for the groundbreaking comedy series “Mystery Science Theater 3000”) return to the State Theatre to crack jokes over the most 90s movie ever made: Point Break! Undoubtedly the pinnacle of the “FBI infiltrates bank robber gang via surfing” genre, the laughs will be as extreme as the action!"
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